Does this count as a chocolate cake? 110 Lindt balls = 10 x 11 flavours. My favourites were extra dark chocolate & mint and milk chocolate peanut butter and the most interesting was cinnamon. Such an original gift. They were delivered in a large cake box and bought for me by a fabulous guy I work with who looks like a grown up version of the Cadbury boy below. Such a cute ad.
Everyday I'm asked..."Where should I go for dinner?" "What's good in Surry Hills?" "Where's somewhere nice for a drink?" etc etc. Here you will find only my favourite places. Please leave me a comment if you have any questions about where to go or what to cook, let me know any updates, recommendations or opinions - I'd love to hear from you.
I love this!
That ad cracks me up!
omg! I'm lindor girl! and I'm afraid my future body shape is ball :D
definetly counts as a chocolate cake!! bring it on!
I love the previous comment by poli ..cracked me up!!
i'm still looking around this post ;))))
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